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How Aging Seniors Can Overcome Loneliness

Aging is one of the major factors that cause loneliness among aging seniors. That is why some people seemed to see loneliness in old age as a feeling that is adopted at a such particular stage of life, although it is not usually a voluntary decision. Thus, loneliness among aging seniors is a problem that can undermine the emotional well-being of older people and if not well-taken care of, can take away their will to live. This is why it is highly important to feel good, both physically and emotionally, especially in old age, since sadness robs people who feel alone about their quality of life. 

Some circumstances trigger feelings of abandonment, such as the loss of a loved one, the end of work life, estrangement from family and friends, or the elimination of recreational activities. There are even cases in which loneliness in older people is caused by the abandonment of the family. These people feel abandoned until the end of their days. These are dramatic events that are in the hands of the relatives to help alleviate.

Therefore, it is vitally important to detect the signs of loneliness in our relatives to help them overcome such feelings once they suffer them. We might not have all the time to take appropriate care of our elderly relatives, but there is senior housing independent living near us to help out. Hence, there are many ways to overcome such loneliness among aging seniors.

Causes of Loneliness Among the Aging Seniors


Aging itself is one of the main causes of loneliness in the elderly. After all, over time, he starts to not be so willing physically. Often associated with failures, such as hearing loss or low vision, the individual finds it uncomfortable and prefers to isolate himself.


Another common factor for the feeling of loneliness in old age is widowhood. Losing a partner, with whom one lived next door for several years, brings sadness and the desire to isolate oneself. Usually, this was the person who kept the elderly person company. In addition to the impact and sadness of the loss, the individual finds it difficult to find support.

Abandonment by the Family:

Upon entering adulthood, many individuals often move away from their parent's home. As these get older, it may be necessary to exercise greater caution and attention. However, not everyone is willing to take such care. In this case, what should always come to mind should be; which is the senior housing independent living near me?

If there is no constant contact, this withdrawal can set up an abandonment. Consequently, the eldest will feel lonely.


Most epidemics subject aging seniors to compulsory isolation. In 2020, the new coronavirus emerged. Because of this, the population had to isolate themselves socially, especially the elderly. Mandatory leave has affected many aging seniors. After all, the possibilities of communication would be restricted. Epidemics like this contribute to a greater feeling of loneliness in the geriatric phase.

How Family Members Can Help Aging Seniors Overcome Loneliness

Family is the most essential source of our happiness and always provides the needed company to overcome loneliness, most especially among aging seniors. And more, in those who have certain limitations because their cognitive and physical abilities require special attention.

This is to say that family members have a vital role in ensuring their aging relatives overcome loneliness by visiting, keeping them company, spending time with them, etc. This will go a long way to help them as seeing family or loved ones can help aging seniors stay emotionally engaged and feel less lonely, making them ward off feelings of depression, social isolation, and stress.

Some of the things family members can do to combat loneliness in their elders include:

  • Visiting them more often and spending time with them.

  • Go to their house to prepare food for them and eat together.

  • Get involved in their household chores and ask them if they want help with something special.

  • Go for a walk with them to the park or through green areas.

  • Play games with them to improve their cognitive skills.

  • Take a trip with them at least once a year.

  • Make them participate in family gatherings so that they feel important.

On the other hand, another of the possibilities and solutions to be taken into account is to hire the services of an internal caregiver for the elderly, if the family does not have enough time to be with the person. Or take them to a reliable senior living community such as the Villa Rose Senior Living Community where they can be well taken care of.

7 Ways Aging Seniors Can Overcome Loneliness

Feelings of abandonment generate changes in our attitudes as we age. We can be invaded by sadness, bitterness, resignation, and apathy. These attitudes cause a decrease in our quality of life since when we feel alone we begin to neglect our health, decrease physical activity, become less likely to establish social connections, and close ourselves off. In this way, we fall into depression, which will affect our well-being. Therefore, it is essential to attend to the emotional needs of the elderly and dependent people. 

Making Periodic Visits

Frequent visits are important for an aging senior to feel that someone is concerned about his health and safety. Visiting them helps them to feel a sense of belonging and that they are wanted, in addition to preventing the elderly person from feeling lonely. Therefore, families and friends have an important role to play.

Keeping in Touch with the Seniors

If it is not possible to visit frequently, as suggested above, always try to keep in touch with them via telephone. Whether by audio call, video, or even messages, be sure to talk to the older family member. Show effort to be present. Thus, there will be less chance of him feeling abandoned.

Encouraging Them to Keep Their Social Life Active

In addition to the family, the aging seniors must have a network of friends. This will help keep them active and not feeling lonely. To socialize, they can participate in courses and volunteer work to meet new people. Another option is to arrange periodic meetings with friends they already have, to maintain their ties.

Ensure Physical Activity

Another possibility to avoid the loneliness of the elderly is the practice of physical activities. In addition to ensuring active and healthy aging, this habit will also help with socialization. After all, other people are always exercising in the parks and gyms.

Stimulate Memorial Activities

Making memory stimuli is also a way to avoid loneliness in older people. According to studies, the occurrence of loneliness is often related to an individual's cognitive function. Therefore, these activities become essential so that the elderly do not feel alone.

Introduce Meditation

Introducing meditation to an elderly family member can also reduce loneliness. This activity improves the flow of neurons and is recommended by many therapists to decrease loneliness. It is great for mental health and also generates other benefits, such as improving posture and breathing in the elderly.

Count on an Elderly Caregiver/Senior Living Community

Finally, if you are unable to visit your family member often or accompany them in their daily activities, count on an elderly caregiver. These professionals have several functions, including administering medication reminders, keeping company, and ensuring the well-being of the elder.

Or better still; take them to a senior living community. Some independent senior living communities like Villa Rose Senior Living Community provide aging seniors with an environment where they are well monitored and taken care of. Besides, they have the opportunity to associate with fellow seniors within the community. This monitoring can be essential to avoid the feeling of loneliness of the elderly.